Combine decorations inspired by traditional Scandinavian style gingerbread decorations with candy canes, kitsch hanging Santas, soft toys and plenty of sparkle. Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.This fun style for your Christmas decorations will bring great cheer to your home. Window.FB.Event.subscribe('xfbml.render', function() (document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')) Nicholas Magazine, where he was depicted as a holiday treat that was eaten by a hungry fox. In the play, “Love’s Labor’s Lost”, Shakespeare wrote, “And I had but one penny in the world, thou should’ st have it to buy gingerbread” - such was its popularity! In 1875, the gingerbread man was introduced to holiday traditions through a fairy tale published in St.
It was also in this century that you could only make gingerbread if you were a professional gingerbread baker - unless it was Easter or Christmas when everyone was allowed to make gingerbread at home. From the 17th century onwards, gingerbread was sold in monasteries and pharmacies in England, where it was popularly believed to have medicinal properties. To this day ‘Pierniki Toruńskie’, as they are known in Poland, is iconic in Poland’s national cuisine. These decorated gingerbreads were in fact used as window decorations! The 13th century also saw gingerbread make its way to the city of Toruń in Poland, where the honey made in the nearby villages made the cookies especially delicious. It was in Sweden that painting and decorating gingerbread became popular. By the 13th century, gingerbread had become popular and nuns in Sweden would bake it as an antidote to indigestion. He brought the necessary spices from the Middle East and then demonstrated gingerbread making, using spices and molasses, to French Christians. Gingerbread was brought to Europe by the Armenian monk, Gregory of Nicopolis, in the 10th century. Thankfully the history of gingerbread is well-documented. The origins of Gingerbread Decorating Day are unknown. Many childhood memories are centered around gingerbread flavors and colors as families make this a holiday tradition. Gingerbread decorating is best done in groups, as fun shared is fun doubled. You can use chocolate chips or creative icings like lemon or buttercream icing to decorate your gingerbread, and the only limit is your imagination. Gingerbread can be decorated with many things. Pick up your favorite gingerbread items from the baker, make some quick icing, and get started on a gingerbread decoration project with all the candies you can lay your hands on. If you are a novice baker or simply too busy, you don’t actually have to bake gingerbread cookies or a gingerbread house. Gingerbread ranges from a soft, moist loaf cake to a crisp or dense ginger biscuit, depending on your favorite. It is sweetened with sugar, honey, or molasses.

Baking of gingerbread is one of the oldest holiday traditions and Gingerbread Decorating Day unleashes the hidden artist in us! Gingerbread is a broad range of baked goods flavored with ginger, cloves, nutmeg, and cinnamon. The day sets the mood for the upcoming holiday season. Gingerbread Decorating Day is celebrated by children and adults alike on December 12 every year.